Smarter Stormwater and Flood Modeling

A comprehensive system for modeling hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality. Get the full picture for all scenarios.

Smarter stormwater and flood modeling

Stormwater and Watershed Management

Simulate rainfall-runoff, pollutant build-up, wash-off, and routing using best-in-class modeling technology and design your stormwater infrastructure all from an ArcGIS-integrated modeling environment.

Stormwater and Watershed Management
Quick, Interactive Model Building

Quick, Interactive Model Building

Drag and drop your GIS data for subcatchments, pipes, and other components into the model, and GeoSWMM will lead you through a rich set of tools to simplify model building tasks.

Maintain Model Integrity Long Term

Maintain Model Integrity Long Term

By using GeoSWMM, you can reduce data redundancy and errors while improving data security, consistency, and access.

Modeling for the Real World

Modeling for the Real World

GeoSWMM delivers a realistic representation of the physical world, avoiding common pitfalls and disjointed analyses of hydrology and hydraulics.

Dual Drainage Systems

Urban flood resilience depends on well-designed and well-maintained dual drainage systems. GeoSWMM helps optimize above and underground conveyances to minimize flood risk.

Dual Drainage Systems for Flood mitigation
Build Complex Models with Ease

Build Complex Models with Ease

GeoSWMM's interactive model-building process captures the real-world complexities of parameterizing a coupled surface and underground hydraulic system model.

Surface Flow Path Generation

Surface Flow Path Generation

Storm sewer overflows often follow undefined flow paths. Use GeoSWMM to identify these flow paths and mitigate flooding.

Apply Various Design-Storms and Compare Conveyance Options

Apply Various Design-Storms and Compare Conveyance Options

Evaluate Performance of Existing Infrastructure Under Climate Change

Evaluate Performance of Existing Infrastructure Under Climate Change

Climate Resilience and Flood Mapping

With GeoSWMM, you can combine flood predictions with population and asset GIS data to inform capital improvement plans, enhance design standards, and enable climate adaptation strategies.

Climate Resilience and Flood Mapping
Assess Infrastructure Vulnerability

Assess Infrastructure Vulnerability

Use downscale GCM results to assess the impact of climate change on local flooding and develop preventive measures.

Automated Flood Map Delineation

Automated Flood Map Delineation

Save time by automatically creating flood maps from model results and topographic data.

Tidal Flood Risk Assessment

Tidal Flood Risk Assessment

FEMA-Approved Model Engine

FEMA-Approved Model Engine

Water Quality Modeling

Model the generation, fate, and transport of pollutants on land and in water, and see the improvements you can make with BMPs, LIDs, and even regular street sweeping.

Water Quality Modeling using GeoSWMM
Meet Regulatory Requirements

Meet Regulatory Requirements

Follow water quality standards and satisfy MS4/NPDES permit and TMDL requirements.

Easily Define Pollutant Behavior

Easily Define Pollutant Behavior

Model any number of particulate and dissolved pollutants from point and non-point sources.

Apply Land Use-Specific Build-up and Wash-off

Apply Land Use-Specific Build-up and Wash-off

Specify Atmospheric Deposition, Groundwater Concentration, and More.

Specify Atmospheric Deposition, Groundwater Concentration, and More.

Low Impact Developments (LIDs) and Best Management Practices (BMPs)

GeoSWMM helps you evaluate control strategies and green infrastructure to create sustainable solutions that promote infiltration, stormwater runoff reduction, and better water quality.

Simulation of LID and BMP
Model LID and BMP Impact

Model LID and BMP Impact

Understand the benefits of LIDs and BMPs by simulating their impact on peak runoff, total flow volume, pollutant load, and more.

What LIDs Are Supported?

What LIDs Are Supported?

Bio-retention cells, rain gardens, green roofs, infiltration trenches, permeable pavements, rain barrels, rooftop disconnections, and vegetative swells.

Detention Pond Design

Detention Pond Design

Determine the storage volume and outlet design required to match pre-development conditions.

Sanitary Sewer Systems

GeoSWMM helps you design new and rehabilitate existing sewer systems to better meet regulations, minimize pollution, and improve public health.

Sanitary sewer system modeling
Design Wastewater Collection Systems

Design Wastewater Collection Systems

Create comprehensive sanitary sewer system models in a user-friendly, ArcGIS-integrated modeling environment.

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)

Analyze the capacity of existing systems and develop control measures to eliminate CSOs.

Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) Studies

Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) Studies

Capacity Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM)

Capacity Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM)

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