Start Modeling with
GeoSWMM Today
Free Trial
- Up to 30 nodes/links
- 1D modeling with all functionalities
Explore core features with a 30-day subscription.
- Up to 30 nodes/links
- 1D modeling with all functionalities
Advance your learning with a 180-day subscription.
Standard 1D
- Unlimited nodes/links
- 1D modeling with enhanced tools
- Advanced flood mapping
Unlock full-scale 1D modeling with a 12-month subscription.
Standard 2D
- Unlimited nodes/links
- Advanced 2D modeling, including both sewer and surface flows
Power up with integrated 1D-2D flood and sewer modeling with a 12-month subscription.
- Unlimited nodes/links
- Includes all features of Standard 2D
- Multi-user license management
$4,995 (base fee) + $1,995 (per license)
Scale your stormwater modeling with flexible license management and a 12-month subscription.
Features | Free Trial | Academic | Standard 1D | Standard 2D | Team |
Runs on ArcGIS Pro Platform | |||||
100% compatible with EPA's SWMM 5 | |||||
Store data in file Geodatabase | |||||
Tabular view of input data | |||||
User manual and tutorials | |||||
Node/Link Limit | 30 | 30 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Watershed delineator | |||||
Imperviousness calculator | |||||
Watershed slope calculator | |||||
Land-use property tools | |||||
Subcatchment width calculator | |||||
Conduit roughness estimator | |||||
Link inlet-outlet ID assignment | |||||
Network Connectivity Checker | |||||
Import SWMM 5 input file | |||||
Export SWMM 5 input file | |||||
1D Flood Mapping | |||||
Integrated 1D-2D modeling | |||||
2D modeling, assessment, and visualization | |||||
Multi-user License management for administrators |
All versions of GeoSWMM include
the following:
Runs on ArcGIS Pro desktop platform
Comes with user manual and tutorials
Available for immediate download
100% compatible with EPA's SWMM 5
Preprocessing Tools
Watershed delineator (requires ArcGIS Pro spatial analysis)
Imperviousness calculator
Watershed slope calculator
Land-use property tools
Subcatchment width calculator
Conduit roughness estimator
Network connectivity checker
Link inlet-outlet ID assignment
More Features
No learning curve for ArcGIS Pro and EPA SWMM 5 users
Run SWMM 5 without leaving ArcGIS Pro
Store data in file Geodatabase
Tabular view of input data
Export data to create SWMM 5 input file
Access full functionality of ArcGIS Pro, including data development, editing, querying, and visualization