File Types of GeoSWMM
A GeoSWMM project file is a geodatabase file that contains all data used to describe a study area and the options needed to analyze it. The file is organized into sections, where each section generally corresponds to a particular category of object used by GeoSWMM. The project summary information can be viewed within GeoSWMM by selecting Project >>Project Details in the GeoSWMM toolbar. An existing project geodatabasefile can be opened by selecting Project >> Open from the standard toolbar and be saved by selecting Project >> Save.
Normally a GeoSWMM user will not edit the project file directly, since GeoSWMM's graphical user interface can add, delete, or modify a project's data and control settings. However, for large projects where data currently reside in other electronic formats, such as GIS files, it may be more expeditious to extract data from these sources and save it to a project file before model running in GeoSWMM.
GeoSWMM’s graphical user interface contains some default settings for map display, legend colors and intervals and object default values.