GeoSWMM Tools
The GeoSWMM Tools is a set of dynamic tools that enable the user to calculate several input properties for a SWMM model. These properties are associated with the physical and hydrologic characteristics of the subcatchments and conduits in a model. These tools efficiently prepare and manage these data, which can then be assigned to the respective SWMM object property fields during model building. Along with these pre-processing tools, GeoSWMM integrates some post-processing tools. The current version of the GeoSWMM (v 5. 0) also integrates the 2D modeling approach and respective pre-processing tools to prepare the 2D network. A separate chapter has been included in this version elaborating on the GeoSWMM 2D modeling tools. Here in this chapter, all the pre-processing tools that are integrated with GeoSWMM to process and prepare input data, and some of the post-processing tools help to visualize the model results with their inherent capabilities.
Table 12: Summary of the GeoSWMM Tools and their Applications
Pre-processing Tools | Object Category | Calculated Properties |
Watershed Delineation Tool | Subcatchment | Subcatchment shape and area, and subcatchment outlet position |
Watershed Delineation Tool | Conduit | Conduit (open channel) shape and length |
Link Inlet-Outlet Assignment Tool | Conduit | Conduit Inlet and Outlet Nodes Name |
Network Analysis Tool | Conduit, Junction | Network connectivity check |
Slope Calculation | Subcatchment | Average surface slope in percentage |
Imperviousness Calculation | Subcatchment | Percentage of impervious area |
Width Calculation | Subcatchment | Characteristic width of overland flow-path |
Land Use Properties | Land Use | Land Use reclassification |
Land Use Properties | Subcatchment | Manning's roughness coefficient for impervious and pervious area; Depth of depression storage for impervious and pervious area |
Conduit Roughness | Conduit | Manning's roughness coefficient |
Post-processing Tools | Object Category | Functionalities |
Extract Elevation Data | Conduit, Junction | Extract elevation data and shows Ground Level at the Profile Plot View. |
Flood Mapping Tool | Inundation Depth and Flood Boundary Layer | Generates Flood Boundary Layer based on GeoSWMM 1D simulation. |