GeoSWMM Tools

The GeoSWMM Tools is a set of dynamic tools that enable the user to calculate several input properties for a SWMM model. These properties are associated with the physical and hydrologic characteristics of the subcatchments and conduits in a model. These tools efficiently prepare and manage these data, which can then be assigned to the respective SWMM object property fields during model building. Along with these pre-processing tools, GeoSWMM integrates some post-processing tools. The current version of the GeoSWMM (v 5. 0) also integrates the 2D modeling approach and respective pre-processing tools to prepare the 2D network. A separate chapter has been included in this version elaborating on the GeoSWMM 2D modeling tools. Here in this chapter, all the pre-processing tools that are integrated with GeoSWMM to process and prepare input data, and some of the post-processing tools help to visualize the model results with their inherent capabilities.

Table 12: Summary of the GeoSWMM Tools and their Applications

Pre-processing Tools

Object Category

Calculated Properties

Watershed Delineation Tool


Subcatchment shape and area, and subcatchment outlet position

Watershed Delineation Tool


Conduit (open channel) shape and length

Link Inlet-Outlet Assignment Tool


Conduit Inlet and Outlet Nodes Name

Network Analysis Tool

Conduit, Junction

Network connectivity check

Slope Calculation


Average surface slope in percentage

Imperviousness Calculation


Percentage of impervious area

Width Calculation


Characteristic width of overland flow-path

Land Use Properties

Land Use

Land Use reclassification

Land Use Properties


Manning's roughness coefficient for impervious and pervious area; Depth of depression storage for impervious and pervious area

Conduit Roughness


Manning's roughness coefficient

Post-processing Tools

Object Category


Extract Elevation Data

Conduit, Junction

Extract elevation data and shows Ground Level at the Profile Plot View.

Flood Mapping Tool

Inundation Depth and Flood Boundary Layer

Generates Flood Boundary Layer based on GeoSWMM 1D simulation.

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