Report and Output Files
The report file is a plain text file created after every GeoSWMM simulation that contains a status report on the results of a run. The file can be viewed by selecting View Status Report from the GeoSWMM standard toolbar. If the run was unsuccessful, it will contain a list of error messages. For a successful run, it will contain:
· The mass continuity errors for runoff quantity and quality as well as for flow and water quality routing,
· Summary results tables for all drainage system nodes and links, and
· Information about the time step size and iterations required when dynamic wave routing analyses are performed
The output file is a binary file that contains the numerical results from a successful GeoSWMM simulation. This file is used by GeoSWMM’s user interface to interactively create time series plots and tables, profile plots, and statistical analyses of simulation results.
Whenever a project is saved or closed after a successful model simulation, the report and output files are saved with the same name as the project file, but with extensions .rpt and .out respectively. A GeoSWMM project opens with the options for viewing model results if the project was saved after simulation when worked with last time.