
Orifices are used to model outlet and diversion structures in drainage systems, which are typically openings in the wall of a manhole, storage facility, or control gate. They are internally represented in GeoSWMM as a link connecting two nodes. An orifice can have either a circular or rectangular shape, be located either at the bottom or along the side of the upstream node, and have a flap gate to prevent backflow.

Orifices can be used as storage unit outlets under all types of flow routing. If not attached to a storage unit node, they can only be used in drainage networks that are analyzed with Dynamic Wave flow routing.

The flow through a fully submerged orifice is computed as:

Q=CA2ghQ = C A \sqrt{2gh}

Where Q = flow rate, C = discharge coefficient, A = area of orifice opening, g = acceleration of gravity, and h = head difference across the orifice. The height of an orifice's opening can be controlled dynamically through user-defined Control Rules. This feature can be used to model gate openings and closings.

The principal input parameters for an orifice include:

  • Names of its inlet and outlet nodes

  • Configuration (bottom or side)

  • Shape (circular or rectangular)

  • Height or elevation above the inlet node invert

  • Discharge coefficient

  • Time to open or close

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