Reporting Options

The Reporting option dialog (Fig. 129) is shown in the SWMM data browser under the Options setting. It is used to select the individual subcatchment, node and link that will have detailed time series results saved for viewing after a simulation has been run. The default setting includes all objects for detailed reporting results.

Fig.129: Reporting Option setting window

Fig.129: Reporting Option setting window

Fig.129: Reporting Option setting window


The dialog contains three check boxes- one each for subcatchments, nodes, and links. All of them are displayed as selected as a default. However, the user can specify particular objects in a list for reporting. To do so, at first, the user will have to uncheck the box that is subjected for all the objects.  Then the user will need to specify the particular object category and the object name in the list for Selected Items (Fig. 129).

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