Interface File Options

The Files page (Fig. 127) in the Simulation Options dialog is used to specify which interface files will be used or saved during the simulation. The page contains a list box with three buttons underneath it. The list box shows the currently selected files. The command buttons are:

Add, which allows the user to add a new interface file specification to the list.

Edit, which allows the user to change the properties of the currently selected interface file.

Delete, which allows the user to remove the currently selected interface from the project (but not from the user's hard drive).


Fig.127: Interface File setting option in Simulation Options menu

Fig.127: Interface File setting option in Simulation Options menu

Fig.127: Interface File setting option in Simulation Options menu



When the Add or Edit buttons are clicked, an Interface File Selector dialog (Fig. 128) appears where the user can specify the type of interface file, whether it should be used or saved, and its name. The entries on this dialog are as follows:


Fig.128: Interface File selection window

Fig.128: Interface File selection window

Fig.128: Interface File selection window

The File Type allows the user to specify the type of interface file.

The Use or Save button selects whether the named interface file will be used to supply input to a simulation run or whether simulation results will be saved to it.

The File Name enters the name of the interface file, or the user may click the Browse button to select from a standard file selection dialog box.

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