Date Options
The Dates page in the Simulation Options dialog contains the following items.
Start Analysis On: allows setting of the date (month/day/year) and time of day when the simulation begins.
Start Reporting On: allows setting of the date and time of day when reporting of simulation results is to begin. This must be on or after the simulation starting date and time.
End Analysis On: allows to set the date and time when the simulation is to end.
Start Sweeping On: allows to set the day of the year (month/day) when street sweeping operations begin. The default setting is January 1.
End Sweeping On: allows to set the day of the year (month/day) when street sweeping operations end. The default setting is December 31.
Antecedent Dry Days: allows the user to set the number of days with no rainfall prior to the start of the simulation. This value is used to compute an initial buildup of pollutant load on the surface of the subcatchments.