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LID Controls

LID Controls are low impact development practices designed to capture surface runoff and provide some combination of detention, infiltration, and evapotranspiration to it. They are considered as properties of a given subcatchment, similar to how Aquifers and Snow Packs are treated. GeoSWMM can explicitly model five different generic types of LID controls:


Bio-retention Cells are depressions that contain vegetation growing in an engineered soil mixture placed above a gravel drainage bed. They provide storage, infiltration and evaporation of both direct rainfall and runoff surrounding areas.

Rain Gardens are a type of bio-retention cell consisting of just the engineered soil layer with no gravel bed below it.

Green Roofs are another variation of a bio-retention cell that have a soil layer laying atop a special drainage mat material that material that conveys excess percolated rainfall off of the roof

Infiltration Trenches are narrow ditches filled with gravel that intercept runoff from upslope impervious areas. They provide storage volume and additional time for captured runoff to infiltrate the native soil below.

Continuous Permeable Pavement systems are excavated areas filled with gravel and paved over with a porous concrete or asphalt mix. Block Paver systems consist of impervious paver blocks placed on a sand pea gravel bed with a gravel storage layer below.

Rain Barrels (or Cisterns) are containers that collect roof runoff during storm events and can either release or re-use the rainwater during dry periods.


Rooftop Disconnection has downspouts discharge to pervious landscaped areas and lawns instead of directly into storm drains. It can also model roofs with directly connected drains that overflow onto pervious areas.

Vegetative Swales are channels or depressed areas with sloping sides covered with grass and other vegetation. They slow down the conveyance of collected runoff and allow it more times to infiltrate the native soil beneath it.


Bio-retention cells, infiltration trenches, and permeable pavement systems can contain optional drain systems in their gravel storage beds to convey excess captured runoff off of the site and prevent the unit from flooding. They can also have an impermeable floor or liner that prevents any infiltration into the native soil from occurring. Infiltration trenches and porous pavement systems can also be subjected to a decrease in hydraulic conductivity over time due to clogging.

Although some LID practices can also provide significant pollutant reduction benefits, at this time GeoSWMM only models the reduction in runoff mass load resulting from the reduction in runoff mass load resulting from the reduction in runoff flow volume. The following topics will provide a detailed illustration of the using LID controls:

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