Viewing a Statistics Report

A Statistics Report can be generated from the time series of simulation results. For a given object and variable this report will do the following:

  • Segregate the simulation period into a sequence of non-overlapping events, either by day, month or by flow above some minimum threshold value.

  • compute a statistical value that characterizes each event.

  • compute summary statistics for the entire set of event values.

It contains the following data fields:

Table 17: Statistics report information

Data Fields


Object Category



Object Name

Enter the ID name of the object to analyze.

Variable Analyzed

Enter the name of the variable to be analyzed.

Event Time period

Select the length of the time period that defines an event. e.g daily, monthly, or event-dependent.


Choose an event statistic to be analyzed. Such as mean value, event total, event duration and inter event time.

Event thresholds

These define minimum values that must be exceeded for an event to occur.

Fig.132: Statistics report

Fig.132: Statistics report

Fig.132: Statistics report

After the choices made on the Statistics Selection, dialog form is processed, and a Statistics Reports is produced as shown below.

The report consists of four tabbed pages that contain:

  • a table of event summary statistics

  • a table of rank-ordered event periods, including their date, duration, and magnitude

  • a histogram plot of the chosen event statistic

  • an exceedance frequency plot of the event values.

Fig.133: Event summary

Fig.133: Event summary

Fig.133: Event summary

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