Viewing a Status Report

A Status Report is available for viewing after each simulation. It contains:

  • A summary of the main Simulation Options that are in effect.

  • A list of any error conditions encountered during the run.

  • A summary listing of the project’s input data (if requested in the Simulation Options).

  • A summary of the data read from each rainfall file used in the simulation.

  • A description of each control rule action taken during the simulation (if requested in the Simulation Options)

  • The system-wide mass continuity errors for:

runoff quantity and quality

groundwater flow

conveyance system flow and water quality

  • The names of the nodes with the highest individual flow continuity errors.

  • The names of the conduits that most often determined the size of the time step used for flow routing (only when the variable time step option is used).

  • The names of the links with the highest flow instability index values.

  • Information on the range of routing time steps taken and the percentage of these that were considered steady state.

In addition, the report contains several tables that display summary of results for the quantities of most interest for each subcatchment, LID control unit, node, and link. The tables and the information displayed are listed below.

Table 16: Viewing a Status Report



Subcatchment Runoff

Total precipitation (in or mm)

Total run-on from other subcatchments (in or mm)

Total evaporation (in or mm)

Total infiltration (in or mm)

Total runoff depth (in or mm)

Total runoff volume (million gallons or million liters)

Runoff coefficient (ratio of total runoff to total precipitation)

LID Performance

Total inflow volume

Total evaporation loss

Total infiltration loss 

Total surface outflow

Total underdrain outflow

Initial storage volume 

Final storage volume 

Subcatchment Washoff

Total mass of each pollutant washed off on the subcatchment (lbs or kg)

Node Depths

Average water depth (ft or m)

Maximum water depth (ft or m)

Maximum hydraulic head (HGL) elevation (ft or m);

Time of maximum depth

Node Inflows

Maximum lateral inflow (flow units)

Maximum total inflow (flow units)

Time of maximum total inflow

Total lateral inflow volume (million gallons or million liters)

Total inflow volume (million gallons or million liters)

Node Surcharging

Hours surcharged

Maximum height of surcharge above node’s crown (ft or m)

Minimum depth of surcharge below node’s top rim (ft or m)

Node Flooding

Hours flooded

Maximum flooding rate (flow units)

Time of maximum flooding

Total flood volume (million gallons or million liters)

Maximum ponded volume (1000 ft3 or 1000 m3) or Max.ponded depth (ft or m)

Storage Volumes

Average volume of water in the facility (1000 ft3 or 1000 m3)

Average percent of full storage capacity utilized

Maximum volume of water in the facility (1000 ft3 or 1000 m3)

Maximum percent of full storage capacity utilized

Time of maximum water stored

Maximum outflow rate from the facility (flow units)

Outfall Loading

Percent of time that outfall discharges

Average discharge flow (flow units)

Maximum discharge flow (flow units)

Total volume of flow discharged (million gallons or million liters)

Total mass discharged of each pollutant (lbs or kg)

Link Flows

Maximum flow (flow units)

Time of maximum flow

Maximum velocity (ft/sec or m/sec)

Ratio of maximum flow to full normal flow

Ratio of maximum flow depth to full depth

Flow Classification

Ratio of adjusted conduit length to actual length

Fraction of time spent in the following flow categories

Dry on both ends

Dry on the upstream end

Dry on the downstream end

Subcritical flow

Supercritical flow

Critical flow at the upstream end

Critical flow at the downstream end

Average Froude number

Average change in flow between each time step (flow units)

Conduit Surcharging

Hours that conduit is full at:

Both ends

Upstream end

Downstream end

Hours that conduit flows above full normal flow;

Hours that conduit is capacity limited

Pumping Summary

Percent of time that the pump is on line

Maximum flow pumped (flow units)

Average flow pumped (flow units)

Total energy consumed assuming 100% efficiency (kwatt-hours)

Percent of time that the pump operates off of its pump curve

The Status Report can be viewed by clicking on the (

) button in the GeoSWMM toolbar. Its window includes a Bookmarks panel that makes it easy to navigate between the topics listed above. The texts of the status report can be copied easily and subsequently used for reporting.

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