Simulation and Results Menu

As listed in Table 11, the Simulation and Post-Processing Menu items allow the user to execute a model run and then view the analysis results in several ways. The available items are described in the following section.

Run Project

After the model setup is complete with all the necessary inputs, the user can execute a model simulation by clicking on the (

) button. When the simulation is successfully finished, GeoSWMM will display a simulation status form containing the summary of the continuity errors.

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Viewing output results

There are several options available in GeoSWMM for viewing model output results such as:

  1. Status Report

  2. Summary

  3. Graphs

  • Statistics

  • Time Series Plot

  • Time Series Comparison

  • Scatter Plot

  • Profile Plot

  1. Tables
  • Result by Object

  • Result by Variable

** **

The Status Report contains a summary of the following items:

  • Analysis Options

  • Input Summary (if requested in the Simulation Options)

  • Rain File Summary

  • Error Messages

  • Control Actions (if requested in the Simulation Options)

  • Continuity Errors

  • Stability Results


In addition, it also shows the summary of the output results of the model objects such as:

  • Subcatchment Runoff

  • LID Performance

  • Subcatchment Washoff

  • Node Depths

  • Node Inflows

  • Node Surcharging

  • Node Flooding

  • Storage Volume

  • Outfall Loading

  • Link Flows

  • Flow Classification

  • Conduit Surcharging

  • Pumping Summary

  • Execution Time


The Summary allows the user to view and export the summary results in a tabular format.

The Statistics compute summary statistics, and frequency analysis for the entire set of event values (mean, peak, total, duration, Inter-Event time)

The Time Series Plot allows the user to generate a time series linear graph with the analysis results for single or multiple objects in a GeoSWMM model. It also displays the reporting values in a separate table.

The *Time Series Comparison * allows the user to compare the time series results of two variables. These variables can be either from a single object or from two separate objects.

The Scatter Plot option displays a chart illustrating the statistical relationship between two analysis variables. It also displays the reporting values in a separate table.

The Profile Plot allows the user to generate a water surface elevation map showing the variation in water depth along the connected links between two specified nodes. It displays the longitudinal section (schematic view) of the model link and nodes and the calculated hydraulic grade line.

The Result by Object allows the user to view the output results in a table for the user-specified variables. In addition to the object variables, the option also lists the overall system responses to the specific variables.

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