
The GeoSWMM tools contain advanced tools for model development and input data processing. However, working with these tools is not essential for SWMM model development if the user has already acquired all the necessary information. Detailed features of these tools have been described in Section 4. The available tools under the Pre-processing Menu are:

Ø  Watershed Delineation Tool

Ø  Link Inlet-Outlet Assignment

Ø  GeoSWMM Network Analysis Tool

Ø  Slope Calculation Tool

Ø  Imperviousness Calculation Tool

Ø  Characteristic Width Calculation Tool

Ø  Land Use Properties Tool

Ø  Conduit Roughness Processing Tool


The Watershed Delineation Tool derives the subcatchment boundaries for a SWMM model and creates stream network and subcatchment outlet information.

The Link Inlet-Outlet Assignment Tool enables users to automatically assign Inlet and Outlet node to corresponding conduits.

The GeoSWMM Network Analysis Tool identifies the existing anomalies in the input link and node information and thereby helps a user eliminate all the spatial and attribute errors before SWMM model development.

The Slope Calculation Tool measures the average surface slope for the model subcatchments.

The Imperviousness Calculation Tool measures the average imperviousness values for the model subcatchments.

The Characteristic Width Calculation Tool estimates the characteristic width values for the model subcatchments.

The Land Use Properties Tool simplifies the land use types in the subject area. It estimates the surface roughness (Manning's N) and the maximum depth of the depression storage (D-value) for the model subcatchments based on those land use properties.

The Conduit Roughness Processing Tool allows GeoSWMM users to efficiently assign standard or user-specified roughness values to the model conduits.

The Extract Elevation Data tool allows the user to extract the contour line data from a user-specified DEM giving access to the water surface profiles where the elevation data is shown.

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