About This Manual

This document has been prepared as the user manual for the GeoSWMM 5.0 for its release on October 2024. The sections are organized purposely to introduce new users to the software and to allow more experienced users to navigate the software with ease.  

  • Introduction chapter provides an overview about GeoSWMM product, application and its installation procedure in the users' computer.  
  • Quick Start Tutorial chapter provides a simple and comprehensive tutorial for developing and managing a GeoSWMM project, especially for new users. While reading through this document, users may skip the previous chapters and enter directly into this chapter if they want to perform a quick hands-on training and to get an idea about how GeoSWMM functions.  
  • GeoSWMM Conceptual Model elaborates the details of conceptual model development technique in GeoSWMM. It provides background material on how GeoSWMM models stormwater runoff within a drainage area. It discusses the behavior of the physical components that comprise a stormwater drainage area and collection system as well as how additional modeling data is handled.  
  • GIS Integration and Operation explains the advanced GIS features and modules of GeoSWMM. 
  • GeoSWMM Menu chapter illustrates the GeoSWMM Graphical User Interface (GUI). It describes the toolbar and the menu options including their functions.  
  • GeoSWMM Tools describes the pre-processing tools available in GeoSWMM with elementary concepts, workflow and data management for the development of a SWMM network. 
  • Working with Projects discusses the project files that store all data contained in a GeoSWMM model. It shows how to create, open, and save these files as well as how to set default project options. 
  • Working with Objects describes how one can build a stormwater or sanitary sewer network model in GeoSWMM. It shows how to create the various physical objects that make up a system, how to edit the properties of these objects; and how to describe the way that externally imposed inflows; boundary conditions and operational controls change over time. 
  • Model Simulation Options shows how to simulate a GeoSWMM model. It describes the various options that control how the analysis is made and offers some troubleshooting tips to use while examining simulation results. 
  • Viewing Model Results discusses the various ways in which the results of an analysis can be viewed. These include different views of the study area map, various kinds of graphs and tables, and different types of model reports. 
  • GeoSWMM 2D Modeling elaborates the GeoSWMM 2D Modeling approach. It illustrates how to create 2D Network using 2D Modeling tools, simulate a model and extract flood extent using 2D modeling. 
  • File Types of GeoSWMM describes how GeoSWMM can use different types of interface files during model simulation and analysis to optimize the model performances. 


The manual also contains several appendices:  

Appendix A - provides several useful tables of parameter values, including a table of units of expression for all design and computed parameters.  

Appendix B - lists the editable properties of all visual objects that can be displayed on the study area map and be selected for editing using point and click.  

Appendix C - describes the specialized editors available for setting the properties of non-visual objects.  

Appendix D - provides instructions for running the command line version of SWMM and includes a detailed description of the format of a project file.  

Appendix E - lists all of the error messages and their meaning that SWMM can produce. 

Appendix F - summarizes a list of questions and corresponding answers that might help users in understanding 2D modeling exceptions and solutions.

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