A.1 Units of Measurement
A.1 Units of Measurement | ||
Area (Subcatchment) | acres | hectares |
Area (Storage Unit) | square feet | square meters |
Area (Ponding) | square feet | square meters |
Capillary Suction | inches | millimeters |
Concentration | mg/L (milligrams/liter) ug/L (micrograms/liter) Count/L (counts/liter) | mg/L ug/L Count/L |
Decay Constant (Infiltration) | 1/hours | 1/hours |
Decay Constant (Pollutants) | 1/days | 1/days |
Depression Storage | inches | millimeters |
Depth | feet | meters |
Diameter | feet | meters |
Discharge Coefficient Orifice Weir | dimensionless CFS/foot | dimensionless CMS/meter |
Elevation | feet | meters |
Evaporation | inches/day | millimeters/day |
Flow | CFS (cubic feet / second) GPM (gallons / minute) MGD (million gallons/day) | CMS (cubic meters/second) LPS (liters/second) MLD (million liters/day) |
Head | feet | meters |
Hydraulic Conductivity | inches/hour | millimeters/hour |
Infiltration Rate | inches/hour | millimeters/hour |
Length | feet | meters |
Manning's n | seconds/meter1/3 | seconds/meter1/3 |
Pollutant Buildup | mass/length mass/acre | mass/length mass/hectare |
Rainfall Intensity | inches/hour | millimeters/hour |
Rainfall Volume | inches | millimeters |
Slope (Subcatchments) | percent | percent |
Slope (Cross Section) | rise/run | rise/run |
Street Cleaning Interval | days | days |
Volume | cubic feet | cubic meters |
Width | feet | meters |
*Resolution | feet | meter |
*Seepage | in/hr | mm/hr |
*only applicable for GeoSWMM 2D Models
Area (Subcatchment) | acres | hectares |
Area (Storage Unit) | square feet | square meters |
Area (Ponding) | square feet | square meters |
Capillary Suction | inches | millimeters |
Concentration | mg/L (milligrams/liter) ug/L (micrograms/liter) Count/L (counts/liter) | mg/L ug/L Count/L |
Decay Constant (Infiltration) | 1/hours | 1/hours |
Decay Constant (Pollutants) | 1/days | 1/days |
Depression Storage | inches | millimeters |
Depth | feet | meters |
Diameter | feet | meters |
Discharge Coefficient Orifice Weir |
dimensionless CFS/foot |
dimensionless CMS/meter |
Elevation | feet | meters |
Evaporation | inches/day | millimeters/day |
Flow | CFS (cubic feet / second) GPM (gallons / minute) MGD (million gallons/day) | CMS (cubic meters/second) LPS (liters/second) MLD (million liters/day) |
Head | feet | meters |
Hydraulic Conductivity | inches/hour | millimeters/hour |
Infiltration Rate | inches/hour | millimeters/hour |
Length | feet | meters |
Manning's n | seconds/meter1/3 | seconds/meter1/3 |
Pollutant Buildup | mass/length mass/acre | mass/length mass/hectare |
Rainfall Intensity | inches/hour | millimeters/hour |
Rainfall Volume | inches | millimeters |
Slope (Subcatchments) | percent | percent |
Slope (Cross Section) | rise/run | rise/run |
Street Cleaning Interval | days | days |
Volume | cubic feet | cubic meters |
Width | feet | meters |
*Resolution | feet | meter |
*Seepage | in/hr | mm/hr |
*** only applicable for GeoSWMM 2D Models**