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Project Setup in GeoSWMM

The next step is to set a storm-water network model using GeoSWMM in ArcMap for the study area. GeoSWMM develops and maintains models in a project file which is configured in a standard ArcGIS geodatabase (.gdb) file formats. To setup the GeoSWMM project: 

  1. Launch ArcMap on your computer. A new ArcMap project window with header- Untitled - ArcMap - ArcInfo should open. Now add all network shape files from folder- Shape_Files. The window should look like the following figure. 
  2. Check if the GeoSWMM toolbar is shown on the ArcMap project window. If it's not shown, then select it from the toolbar list of ArcMap. Note that GeoSWMM must be successfully installed on your computer for this purpose. When selected, GeoSWMM toolbar will be displayed on the ArcMap project window. It should look like the following figure.
  3. On GeoSWMM toolbar, click on the New Project () Button on the toolbar. Or you can also specify it from the Project menu on that toolbar. It will invoke for the project directory and a project file name in a new window like following.
  4. Now click on the Browse button and provide the project directory and a new ArcGIS geodatabase file. A new window, like the following figure, will invoke where this information needs to be inserted.
  5. Click on the File Name at the bottom of the above window and name it as- Example, then make sure the file type is Gdb Files (*.gdb) then click Create to specify the geodatabase file for a GeoSWMM project. 
  6. Set appropriate project spatial reference system. Pressing the coordinate system button () shows a dialogue box like the following. Pressing the “Yes” button here makes the coordinate system for the new geodatabase(.gdb) project the same as the coordinate system of the ArcMap Data Frame. Pressing the “No” button allows the user to choose any coordinate system from the inbuilt ArcGIS library. Here user can import the coordinate system directly showing other project .shp files or layer. 
  7. After specifying the file directory with name and setting project coordinate system in above step, click OK to finally create a new GeoSWMM project geodatabase. On successful project creation, the window will display a message like the following. Click OK to accept. Notice that the ArcMap Table of Contents shows the newly created geodatabase which contains six program-defined feature layers such as- Junctions, Reservoirs, Tanks, Pipes, Pumps and Valves. The first three layers are point-type feature layers whereas the remaining three are polyline-type feature layers. Besides, a new dock-able window is displayed which contains model object data. It is called Model Object Panel of a GeoSWMM project. At this stage, the database is almost empty as no model parameters are assigned yet. The next step is to build the model network in geodatabase- Example.gdb.

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