Dynamic Wave Analysis

The simulation model carried out so far was done using Kinematic Wave routing method.  However, if you want to account for more complex phenomena such as backwater effect, pressurized flow, and flow reversal then you need to apply the Dynamic Wave routing method. To do so the following method can be used:

1.     Go to the Model Object Panel and open Options editor. In the General page, specify Dynamic Wave as the routing model in the editor.

2.     Open Dynamic Wave page in the editor and specify the options as shown in the following figure.

3.     Click OK to accept the change and exit from the editor.

4.     Now save the project and run the model again. Considerable changes are noticed on some of the model results such as at maximum flow in the outlet conduit (e.g., C-1) due to changes made in the routing method.

Fig 40: Dynamic Wave page in Options editor

Fig 40: Dynamic Wave page in Options editor

Fig 40: Dynamic Wave page in Options editor

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