B.8 Outfall Properties

NameUser-assigned outfall name.
X-CoordinateHorizontal location of the junction on the Study Area Map. If left blank then the outfall will not appear on the map.
Y-CoordinateVertical location of the Outfall on the Study Area Map. If left blank, then the outfall will not appear on the map.
DescriptionClick the ellipsis button (or press Enter) to edit an optional description of the outfall.
TagOptional label used to categorize or classify the outfall.
InflowsClick the ellipsis button (or press Enter) to assign external direct, dry weather or RDII inflows to the outfall.
TreatmentClick the ellipsis button (or press Enter) to edit a set of treatment functions for pollutants entering the node.
Invert El.Invert elevation of the outfall (feet or meters).
Tide GateYES - tide gate present to prevent backflow NO - no tide gate present
TypeType of outfall boundary condition: FREE: outfall stage determined by minimum of critical flow depth and normal flow depth in the connecting conduit NORMAL: outfall stage based on normal flow depth in connecting conduit FIXED: outfall stage set to a fixed value TIDAL: outfall stage given by a table of tide elevation versus time of day TIMESERIES: outfall stage supplied from a time series of elevations.
Fixed StageWater elevation for a FIXED type of outfall (feet or meters).
Tidal CurveName of the Tidal Curve relating water elevation to hour of the day for a TIDAL outfall (double-click to edit the curve).
NameName of time series containing time history of outfall elevations for a TIMESERIES outfall (double-click to edit the series).
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