B.9 Flow Divider Properties


User-assigned divider name.


Horizontal location of the divider on the Study Area Map. If left blank, then the divider will not appear on the map.


Vertical location of the divider on the Study Area Map. If left blank, then the divider will not appear on the map.


Click the ellipsis button (or press Enter) to edit an optional description of the divider.


Optional label used to categorize or classify the divider.


Click the ellipsis button (or press Enter) to assign external direct, dry weather or RDII inflows to the divider.


Click the ellipsis button (or press Enter) to edit a set of treatment functions for pollutants entering the node.

Invert El.

Invert elevation of the divider (feet or meters).

Max. Depth

Maximum depth of divider (i.e., from ground surface to invert) (feet or meters). If zero, then the distance from the invert to the top of the highest connecting link will be used.

Initial Depth

Depth of water in the divider at the start of the simulation (feet or meters).

Surcharge Depth

Additional depth of water beyond the maximum depth that is allowed before the junction floods (feet or meters). 

Ponded Area

Area occupied by pond water atop the junction after flooding occurs (sq. feet or sq. meters). See description for Junctions.

Diverted Link

Name of link which receives the diverted flow.


Type of flow divider. Choices are:

CUTOFF (diverts all inflow above a defined cutoff value),

OVERFLOW (diverts all inflow above the flow capacity of the non-diverted link),

TABULAR (uses a Diversion Curve to express diverted flow as a function of the total inflow),

WEIR (uses a weir equation to compute diverted flow).


-Cutoff Flow

Cutoff flow value used for a CUTOFF divider (flow units).


Curve Name

Name of Diversion Curve used with a TABULAR divider (double-click to edit the curve).


- Min. Flow

Minimum flow at which diversion begins for a WEIR divider (flow units).

- Max. Depth

Vertical height of WEIR opening (feet or meters)

 - Coefficient

Product of WEIR's discharge coefficient and its length. Weir coefficients are typically in the range of 2.65 to 3.10 per foot, for flows in CFS.

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