B.15 Outlet Properties
Name | User-assigned outlet name. |
Inlet Node | Name of node on inflow side of outlet. |
Outlet Node | Name of node on discharge side of outlet. |
Description | Click the ellipsis button (or press Enter) to edit an optional description of the outlet. |
Tag | Optional label used to categorize or classify the outlet. |
Inlet Offset | Depth or elevation of outlet above inlet node invert (feet or meters – see note below table of Conduit Properties). |
Flap Gate | YES, if a flap gate exists this prevents backflow through the outlet or NO if no flap gate exists. |
Rating Curve | Method of defining flow (Q) as a function of depth or head (y) across the outlet. FUNCTIONAL/DEPTH uses a power function (Q = AyB) to describe this relation where y is the depth of water above the outlet’s opening at the inlet node. FUNCTIONAL/HEAD uses the same power function except that y is the difference in head across the outlet’s nodes. TABULAR/DEPTH uses a tabulated curve of flow versus depth of water above the outlet’s opening at the inlet node. TABULAR/HEAD uses a tabulated curve of flow versus difference in head across the outlet’s nodes. |
- Coefficient | Coefficient (A) for the functional relationship between depth or head and flow rate. |
- Exponent | Exponent (B) used for the functional relationship between depth or head and flow rate. |
- Curve Name | Name of Rating Curve containing the relationship between depths or head and flow rate (double-click to edit the curve). |