View Summary Results

The Summary Report contains tables listing summary results for each subcatchment, node and link in the drainage system. Total rainfall, total runoff, and peak runoff for each subcatchment, peak depth and hours flooded for each node, and peak flow, velocity, and depth for each conduit are just some of the outcomes included in the summary report. The Summary Results window has a dropdown list from which you select a particular topic to view as report. For this:

  1. Go to the GeoSWMM toolbar and click on the *Summary Results * (
    ) button. It will open the summary results manager. For example: specify Node Inflow as the Topic and it will look like the following figure.
Fig 36: Summary Results window

Fig 36: Summary Results window

2.     This table can be exported by clicking on the Export button on the top-right side of the window. Then browsing to the targeted file location in the computer allows to complete the process.

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